
Japan Disclaimer

TransPacific Group LLC is a Financial Instruments Business Operator (Kanto Local Finance Bureau (kinsho) No. 1776) authorized to conduct Type 2 Financial Instruments Business in Japan.

This document is to be used solely by your company for the purpose of information gathering, and may not be copied, reproduced, used for unrelated purposes or provided outside your company without our consent.Although this document has been prepared based on information that we believe to be reliable, we do not warrant its accuracy or reliability. The information and data presented here are as of the date of preparation of this document.

The historical performance and wording of this document do not warrant or imply any future operating results. Past performance is not a predictor of future performance or results.

All rights and obligations relating to the information in this document belong to the information provider, and the content may be varied or modified without notice for any reason determined by the information provider.Any investment or other judgment based on the information in this document shall be made at the sole responsibility of the reader, and neither TransPacific Group LLC nor any other information provider shall be held liable in any way for any loss caused by the information in this document.


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